Goodbye to my home of 27 years
This weekend was monumental. We packed up and left the place my family has lived since I was 8 months old. We moved from the house at the back of the property about 6 years ago to this house at the front (which used to be my grandparent's while we were at the back). That move wasn't as big, nor as difficult as this one has been - actually leaving the area altogether. It's hard to imagine not driving down 11th Street anymore, not opening my window to the sound of crickets and the smell of the grape harvest. Not lying on the trampoline or hammock and watching the stars, or having one of our infamous gasoline fueled bonfires that light up the block. Had my last game of frisbee, last swing on the swings, last twirl-till-you-get-dizzy on my brother's back. Suburbia - yuck.
I feel nostalgic for you. Sniff. I feel like I can picture all those memories that you've described. And not to mention the colours, but your mom can do that again anywhere. Did you guys all cry leaving? Or were you all in task mode? Or both, crying in task mode?
Janette!! Its been awhile. How the heck are you? I didn't know your parents were moving. Where are they moving to? I would be just as sentimental if that were my house. So, ah, we should get in touch sometime. That would be great. I'm supply teaching now all over the region. Still can't believe it sometimes that I am actually able to do that. But i can, and its fun. Oh, and by the way, I'm also a huge LOST fan!! Yeah Matthew Fox!!
This is sad.
awww...even i'm going to miss your place! and i've only been there twice! bu hao :(
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