Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Let's take a vote

The March blahs are rearing their ugly head in my life. How about yours? Let's take a vote - do you have them? If so, what do you do to combat them?

In my vast medical library, I have yet to find this to be a recognized medical condition and yet it's just completely a true condition of the human race. Weather? The perverbial "they" say Christmas to far gone and the next holiday to far in the future? In campus ministry, looking forward to the future while somehow managing to stay mentally and emotionally engaged. What is it about this month?

Someone give me insight!!


Blogger Kelley Anne said...

Can't tell you J... I think my "blahs" were in February...
what about S.A.D?

10:34 p.m.  
Blogger Glow said...

I'd say they should put the blahs in the medical dictionary so we can all be entitled a few days off work whenever the blahs hit.

When I was in Asia, it was October and May of every school year. Every year. Without fail. Go figure...

9:03 p.m.  
Blogger shellieos said...

usually aroud this time i start day-dreaming about summer project. i do think that SAD's a factor. spring's so gross at the beginning with the mud and all. someone advised me to plan things to look fwd to. why don't you do that? small things. i'm going to watch a square dancing competition on saturday.

9:58 p.m.  

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